It's Black Friday Season again!

Nov 22nd, 2021 - Recharge Mobile

It’s every shopper’s favourite time of the year, where anyone can take advantage of big discounts! Are you planning to buy topups for yourself or your family from anywhere in Africa and are looking for a fast service at a great price? Well, you are exactly in the right place.

For this Black Friday Season is offering up to 25% off your topups in all of the countries we serve (We cover more than 70% of Africa). Take advantage of this special offer, which will be all day on the 26th of November, with an additional surprise discount on Cyber Monday (29th of November).

How does it work?

Step 1: Go to
Then choose the language that suits you best

Step 2: Choose the country then click on " Submit ".

Step 3: Enter the phone number on which you wish to deposit credit and click on "DISCOVER THE OFFERS".

Step 4: Choose the amount of the top-up from the offers by clicking on "BUY".

Step 5: Choose your preferred payment method

Step 6: Pay safely and securely Your top-up is sent right away and both you and the recipient will receive a confirmation

Soyez les premiers informés de nos promotions et nouveautés !

Soyez les premiers informés de nos promotions et nouveautés !

Soyez les premiers informés de nos promotions et nouveautés !